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NanoCommons: a global nano-knowledge community

Duration: 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2021

Nanotechnology and its products represent major areas of growth for the European economy. But knowledge and data about the toxicity of nanotech’s novel and emerging materials (NEMs) remain fragmented and inaccessible. The EU project NanoCommons will deliver an openly accessible e-infrastructure to help researchers, industrial users and regulators assess the risks of nanotech, its products and their formulations. This framework will include knowledge base and integrated computational tools, supported by expert advice, data interpretation and training.

As leader of the “Knowledge Infrastructure” work package, Edelweiss Connect developed a concept based on the semantic integration of data sources created in different EU (and international projects) without losing project-specific functionalities and is implementing this with the NanoCommons partners. In this way, all available data will be accessible in a FAIR and harmonised way and provided to the modelling and risk assessment tools also developed in NanoCommons or integrated in the knowledge infrastructure from other projects.

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